Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Weekly Entry 1: 'The mind's eye'

Cyberspace, virtual reality, and imagination are simply inexhaustible. While being fluid and evergrowing, the mental image and our spatial recognition of the surrounding space is being interpreted by one's brain. The eyes are merely seeing monochromaticly upside down, and in this case then the brain interprets and thus giving it color, form and space.

Cyberspace can be occupied by projecting our our presence into it, said Ludvigsen. It contains a form of environment and unseen interconnection to make up the space.

Space can also be perceived by the brain while the eyes are just seeing 2D images. Each eye has it's 2D corresponding view from a tilted angle which then the brain merges it together to form depth. As a matter of fact, there is this stereoscopic double image which can make the brain sees depth in still photography.

This particular picture is a stereoscopic image. Each eye has to see the opposite image. Right to left, left to right. This can be accomplished either by practicing your eyesight or using a stereoscope(a viewing device with mirrors in it). Instructions to view the following image in 3D. Good luck.
Image taken from:

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