While I was contemplating the environment, I slipped my fingers and somehow I fell down to Earth, revealing a much bigger exhibition area. I kept pressing the 'F' to start flying and not drop to Earth but that proved too less to fight the Earth gravity. I fell down until suddenly all of it came to a stop.

So there I was, on Earth. That journey was very inspiring and yet confusing cause I nearly thought there was a bug in their location. But you can't compare this view to any real space museum, I mean like, if this were real, it would definitely blow out my mind. What I love about this space museum is that you're free to fly and explore the rockets in at any angle you please, and trust me, there's a lot of them in here. It took me nearly an hour to see all the rockets.
There was also a solar system simulation in the middle of those rockets, right in the center which makes it a lot more interesting. I do adore all the work put into this virtual space museum and I hope that the developers and builders of this location mantains it for future visits. I had a wonderful experience and this location was definitely not something you should miss.

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